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      Entries in writing (1)


      New York Interlude II

      Last night at I read from the first time from my fictionalized autobiographical collection of stories We Give Ourselves Habits In Order To Live. In reading aloud from these for the first time, I realized two things:

      1) Apparently the Joan Didion reference embedded not-so-subtly in my title (I am pretty much blatently ripping off her quote "We tell ourselves stories in order to live.") is not so blazingly obvious that I need worry about a lawsuit.

      2)The last piece I read, "New York Interlude II", will eventually be where the collection ends. I need to revisit it, edit it again (and again, and again, ad infinitum) with this newfound knowledge, but it's sort of thrilling: I have a beginning, and an end, to this set of stories that are stupidly close to my heart.

      This, then, is where that story stands now, before the revisions and scissors and night-time and knives and blood and glitter all come out to play.

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